We are inwaves

Cel Animation
medium Pen, paper, After Effects
year 2022


Exhibited @ Celula, Bd Carol 53

49 individual squares
size 80x80 cm
year 2019

Douglas Hofstadter talks about viral entities, their hosts and referential feedback loops in his 1983 Scientific American article “On viral sentences and self-replicating structures”.

He enthusiastically explains that some of these entities can sometimes “take on a life of their own and drive their own propagation”!

I tried to visually represent something of this nature through this art piece.

I used a 7x7 grid, and in the very center I placed a seed with some similar properties, which scale back to the bigger image.


medium Ink, Pencil, Paper
year 2018 - Ongoing


Cover design for Manchester Student Society of Architecture magazine

medium Ink, Paper
year 2016


Selected works
medium Oil paint, Ink, Pencil, Paper
year 2015 - ongoing