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The age of death
An Intro to Carbon-14

 Published 2020 
 by Andrei Gastescu 

The idea behind this first article came from a discussion I had with a friend a few months ago.

How do you know the age of the Earth? I heard 14gives only very recent ages.

His statement was partly true, but overall it had some fake-news-flavour. Indeed 14C is unsuitable for that purpose, but other chronological tools are available. I will explain in a further article how we came to know the age of our planet, but right now let’s talk about 14C, arguably the most popular dating method. 

The scientific approach to get the age of something (such as, the Solar System - or swords and bones) is called radiometric dating. Assuming you might care about that, to understand the general issue and the carbon case, you should have the patience to get an idea about some key terms:
radioactive decay
global carbon cycle
radiocarbon age equation


Isotope comes from Greek and means ‘same place’, meaning they occupy the same position on the periodic table (= have the same number of protons / atomic number / Z). As it’s obvious that each position in the periodic table belongs to a particular chemical element (in other words is sufficient to describe an element), then you would get that isotopes are versions of the same element.

The difference comes from the different number of neutrons which are bound together with the same Z protons in the atomic nucleus. Note that identical Z also means they have the same chemical properties.

Common carbon isotopes.
Inspired by an image by Tessa Koumoundoursos


We classify isotopes as either stable or radioactive. Stable means an equilibrium between nuclear internal forces in such a way that protons and neutrons are perfectly bound together inside the nucleus. Radioactive means that the excess neutron(s) affect the balance of these forces in such a way that the atom tries to adjust to a more stable nuclear configuration. This adjustment is not as easy as getting rid of the excess neutrons, but happens in many ways (I shall avoid presenting them, I want you to finish the article).

The funny thing is that actually the number of protons (Z) is modified, thus a daughter nuclide (different element) is being created as a result of a parent suffering a radioactive decay. The process can be imagined as reducing the energy expenses of your house (nucleus) after somebody leaves (emitting radiation).

You cannot predict when a particular atom will decay (as theorised from quantum mechanics). It’s a  process and deals with probabilities being applied to large populations of atoms. Imagine that the stats say that each year a different house from your neighbourhood is getting robbed. You don’t know if it’s your turn this year, but you know that it’s going to happen. That’s how it works with the radioactive atoms – we don’t know which one will decay, but we know how much time will take until the last one does.


Scientists developed some tools to predict the decrease in radioactive nuclide population. A key parameter is the decay constant, λ (lambda), which is the probability of decay per unit of time. Because in order to get that involves some derivatives, it’s way easier to deal with a related parameter called half-life (T1/2). Apart from the popular first person shooter of the 2000’s, half-life means the time taken for half of radioactive atoms to decay. After a half-life, the initial radionuclide population will be represented by 50% unradiogenic daughter nuclides and 50% radioactive parent nuclides. And so on.

Daughter-parent variation in time. The sum of percentages is always 100%.


I hope you appreciate how I gently introduced the key discussion about time in the previous paragraph. The take-home message is that the number of radioactive 14C atoms in a sample is time-dependent, as given by the decay constant/half-life of the system. The oversimplified fact is that the ratio between radiogenic ( 14C) and stable (12C and 13C) carbon is decreasing in a constant manner in the respective sample (until all 14C is naturally exhausted). The corresponding age equation is key in dating science:

N = N0 * e-λ*t

What we know for sure: N (measured 14C/12C in sample), λ (decay constant of 14C to 14N), and e (assuming you finished high school).

What we assume: N0 (initial atmospheric 14C/12C, nearly constant over time)

What we calculate: t (age of sample).

Take-home: one equation, one unknown!

14C / 12C decrease over time.
A sample with ratio N (a fraction of assumed initial N0) will have
a corresponding age t from age equation.


Okay, so we discussed the science behind age calculation. We talked about how to, but why is that possible? In the image below, there is a model of the natural C cycle, including the most relevant aspects that impact the 14C/12ratio.

14C is produced in the terrestrial atmosphere through the interaction of cosmic radiation with 14N atoms. As carbon is very reactive, it gets oxidized and forms 14CO2, and enters the natural cycle. Its fate follows three main paths.

The first path is the one you know from science classes in primary school and means that 14CO2 is involved in the photosynthesis cycle, being absorbed (and carbon being stored in organic products) by plants, that release O as a reaction product.

The second path is part of the atmosphere – ocean gas exchange. Depending on ocean chemistry, 14CO2 gets absorbed by ocean water. I say depending on ocean chemistry because that is a limited process, as it takes place until ocean gets saturated in CO2. If that’s the case, the ocean releases back carbon into the atmosphere. The Earth’s Oceans have their own carbon cycle, involving mixing between surface and deep ocean at a scale of a thousand years.

The third path is the one you never heard about and is related to rock – atmosphere interaction. As many rocks form deep in the Earth’s crust and mantle, they are not thermodynamically stable at the surface, so they are slowly weathered (but you won’t see that, as it takes millions years). One such weathering process is carbonation of sediments (both on land and in ocean), in which carbon is stored in newly formed, stable minerals (carbonates). That’s less relevant for 14C dating as the timescale of weathering is on a completely distinct magnitude order as compared to radiocarbon half-life.

Back to dating, the process seems straightforward. 14Cis stored by plants and introduced in the food chain. When a Siberian mammoth or Napoleon died, their bodies ‘frozen’ the ‘typical’ 14C/12Cratio (taken from food) we talked about. As the ratio is constantly dropping in time in a manner I described above, we can get the age of their death (== the age when carbon intake ceased). Remember the method is limited to about 60000 years, so you cannot date a dinosaur bone with it (there are other tools, which will be reviewed in a further post).

Apart from the small natural variations in 14C/12C, two kinds of anthropogenic activities have altered the ratio since the Industrial Revolution. Fossil fuels burning releases ancient carbon (hydrocarbons are too old to have any 14left) which has been stored in sedimentary rocks, leading to a slight decrease in carbon ratio. However, as we have good estimates of historical CO2 emissions, the problem can be decently solved by calibrating data to pre-industrial levels.

The progress in scientific knowledge (and the lack of progress in political intelligence) led to the massive nuclear test period in 1950s and 1960s. The effect of the so called ‘bomb period’ was a 14(see figure). Fortunately, the peak of stupidity was reached during the Cuban missile crisis in 1962 without destroying anything, and the following year led to the Limited Test Ban Treaty (LTBT), which prohibited all nuclear tests except for those conducted underground. The next decades saw a continuous decrease in atmospheric 14C, as a result of redistribution in the oceans, land and biosphere. Because the ‘bomb period’ compromised what it used to be a relatively constant 14C/12ratio, the main laboratories report the age of dated objects in ‘BP’ (before present), which means before 1950.

Finally, to broaden your horizons I list here a few science topics in which 14C is involved:

  • History/archaeology1Earliest human presence in North America
  • History/archaeology2Mapping adoption of agriculture in Europe
  • Religion 3Earliest Roman Christian funerary practices, possibly inspired from Jews
  • Medicine4Collagen matrix of human cartilage is permanent in adulthood
  • Neuroscience5Actually brain produces new neurons in adult life
  • Climate change6Spatial evolution of Antarctic ice sheet throughout the Holocene
  • Fraud detection7Using ‘bomb’-footprint to detect fake whisky



2 - https://www.researchgate.net/publication/32894463_Neolithic_transition_in_Europe_The_radiocarbon_record_revisited


4 - https://stm.sciencemag.org/content/8/346/346ra90?fbclid=IwAR3afNlIJPmUJNvbA4jPwseWOd0VtXALhmQO60o3yRT7MTYtyK7PXPIw0Lw



7 - https://www.cambridge.org/core/journals/radiocarbon/article/using-carbon-isotopes-to-fight-the-rise-in-fraudulent-whisky/75071F4AB4D7A231B714102B0FE8F5C6?fbclid=IwAR3IMMKatuSD3j49krM7E9C84GEfC8IkzEK105ZyqYfkiv57qfi6sKdPvv0